Water bath A saucepan or roasting pan containing warm or hot water into which another dish or pan containing food is set while food is cooking. It is used to control the cooking of delicate mixtures like custards and sauces and to keep foods warm. Sometimes referred to as a Òdouble boiler.Ó Whip To beat rapidly with a wire whisk or electric mixer, incorporating air to lighten a mixture and increase its volume; used for eggs, eggs and sugar, or cream. Whisk A looped wire kitchen utensil used to mix or whip sauces, dressings, eggs, and other liquid ingredients with a swift circular motion. Whisks exist in various sizes, with the largest known as a Òballoon whisk,Ó used for whipping egg whites and cream. Wire skimmer A long-handled cooking utensil with a shallow mesh cup for lifting solids out of liquids and removing scum from stock.